Contact Us For Assistance
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Name of Employer
Best Way to Contact You
Are you currently employed by the Company?
Check All which Apply to You
What Is/Was Your Job Title?
Were you required to work through your meal or rest breaks without extra pay?
How many total hours did your typical shift last?
Details of Complaint
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The information provided on this web site is for general informational purposes. By submitting this form, you understand that this information is being submitted only so that it may be reviewed and considered by The Law Offices of Morris Nazarian. Submitting this Questionnaire does not create an attorney-client relationship and nothing contained in this web site is to be considered an offer to represent you. We may or may not be able to undertake representation on your behalf, but we will gladly review the information you provide and respond to you.